The lookup journal by id endpoint allows a client to retrieve the metadata for a specific journal provided they know the id number assigned to the journal within the Third Iron metadata database.

Contact BrowZine Support to Request your API Key

Email us at to request your API Key. The BrowZine API can only be used by institutions subscribing to the BrowZine Service.

Submit a GET request against this endpoint, filling in the appropriate path segments with the id number of your library and with the id number of the journal that you are trying to retrieve, and your application will get a response representing the journal. Responses contain some metadata about the journal, such as a display name for the journal and publication date. Responses also contain links to API endpoints through which metadata resources related to the journal, such as the current issue of the journal or a list of all issues of the journal, may be retrieved.  

Lookup Journal by Id Request:

Supported Methods


Endpoint Location


Endpoint Parameters

:library_idReplace the :library_id portion of the endpoint path with the id # of your library

Replace the journal_id portion of the path with the id number for the journal

Lookup Journal by Id Response:

The Lookup Journal by Id endpoint responds with a blob of JSON data that contains a journal resource object that represents the journal with the specified id.

Response Object:

A journal resource object is returned here which represents the journal in the Third Iron metadata database which has the specified id.

Journal Resource:

A journal resource object represents a journal in the Third Iron metadata database.

The full list of properties that may appear on an issue resource object are described in detail in the table below:


The journal's unique id in the Browzine system

typestringhas the value "journals"No
titlestringThe journal's titleNo

The issn for the journal, formatted with no hyphen

browzineEnabledbooleanTrue when the title is available within Browzine at the specified libraryNo
coverImageUrlstringA url to a small image that can be used to visually depict the journalNo
sjrValuenumberThe Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) - see all their ranking at their website


browzineWebLinkURLOn titles that are browzine enabled, this property will be present and will link to the journal's current issue within browzine.comYes
externalLinkURLOn titles that are not BrowZine enabled, this property may be present. When it is, it is a link to the journal within the library's A-Z systemYes

Example Request, retrieving journal 35087 for library 222:

Example Response:
    "data": {
        "id": 35087,
        "type": "journals",
        "title": "Acta Palaeontologica Polonica",
        "issn": "05677920",
        "sjrValue": 0.764,
        "coverImageUrl": "",
        "browzineEnabled": true,
        "browzineWebLink": "",
        "relationships": {
            "issues": {
                "links": {
                    "related": "/public/v1/libraries/222/journals/35087/issues"
            "current-issue": {
                "links": {
                    "related": "/public/v1/libraries/222/journals/35087/issues/current"