LibKey Lending Tool API Documentation

LibKey Lending Tool API Documentation

Below outlines the various calls and elements produced by the LibKey Lending Tool’s API (INCDocs is the branded version of this service used by NHS England and for whom this documentation is also applicable).

Authenticating to the API

You will need a Third Iron API Key that is specially scoped to using the lending tool. Please email us at support@thirdiron.com to request your API key, and mention which group you are with so we can get you the correct access.
Once you have your API key, use it as a Bearer Token on a header, or in a query parameter of access_token at the end of a URL, as shown in the examples below.

Get a list of libraries

Supported Methods


Endpoint Location


Endpoint Parameters



Replace the :library_group_id portion of the endpoint path with the id # of your library group, which will be provided by support@thirdiron.com

Library List Response

The LibKey Library List response is a JSON object if the library group ID is found in the LibKey system. The structure of the response overall is described in the following tables.

Response Object









An array of Library Result objects is returned if the Fulfillment Request ID and Library Group ID is recognized.

Library Result

A Library Result represents a single library in the associated LibKey library group.
The full list of properties that may appear on a Library Result are described in detail in the table below: