Google Scholar
Google Scholar’s integration is performed by your link resolver vendor. Here are instructions on how to update this in many popular systems. Because Google Scholar refreshes itself only periodically, please allow 7-10 days for changes you make to be reflected in Google Scholar.
Per these linked instructions, this is handled via a Publishing Profile. A configurable element in this process is the “OpenURL base” which is where your LibKey Link will be placed.
Changing the base URL for Google Scholar is done via Ex Libris Customer service. Please follow the instructions on how to make this request via this SFX Support Article.
360 Link
Follow the instructions in this guide to navigate to the registration form and provide your new LibKey Link base URL.
Email EBSCO customer support to request they update the URL used in Google Scholar for your institution.
TDNET / OVID Discovery
Contact TDNet Support for assistance to inquire about options to use LibKey Link in Google Scholar via their support page here.
Update the Base URL in the Google Scholar settings tab as shown in this guide.
OVID Link Solver
Email OVID Support for assistance in setting up your LibKey Link for use in Google Scholar at