Third Iron API Suite and Linking Documentation
The Third Iron API Suite is intended for advanced users who are interested in harnessing the power of the LibKey and BrowZine ecosystems to utilize their functions within their own applications. These are the same suite of services that are used in numerous commercial discovery systems and which are commonly used to enhance Bento Box search systems, ILL services, Email alerting functionality, Reading List systems and more!
If you are a developer please reach out to our team at to request an API Key and to speak with our team about your project.
API Documentation
Third Iron API Overview
General Information about the API including authentication information.
LibKey API
Article DOI/PMID Lookup Endpoint Quick Start Guide designed for developers to quickly get up to speed with the LibKey API including a focus on popular applications like adding LibKey to a custom “Bento Box” style search results display including best practices for implementation.
Article DOI/PMID Lookup Endpoint Reference for details on "How do I discover the link to a specific article in BrowZine by DOI or PMID?" or "What is the PDF URL to this article?" and "What is the cover art for the journal associated with this article?"
Library List Endpoint for “How do I get a real-time list of all LibKey libraries along with their Library ID’s?”
BrowZine API
Journal Availability Endpoint for "How do I know if this journal is within BrowZine and its associated link and cover art?"
Search Endpoint for "How do I integrate BrowZine results into a Bento Box environment?"
BrowZine Linking Syntax Guide for "How do I generate durable links into different parts of BrowZine?"
BrowZine External Search API for "How do I add a search box to my website to search directly into BrowZine?"
Third Iron API++ (Premium Add-on Service with a separate subscription cost)
Third Iron Data Service Data Service API for "How do I access full tables of contents data about journals within BrowZine and discover journals with new articles available?"
Third Iron API++ Article DOI/PMID Lookup Endpoint Reference - An Advanced version of the regular Article DOI/PMID Lookup Endpoint.
LibKey Linking Syntax Guides
LibKey Link Advanced Linking
Overview of all possible routes for "How do I programmatically instruct the link to use GoToFullText over FormatChooser?" Linking
Overview of the Linking Syntax for "How do I add resolution to my application?"
WAYFless DOI/PMID Lookup for "How do I add a DOI/PMID lookup box to my library website using
LibKey Linking for Discovery Platforms and Publishers for "How do I help users connect to content faster on my website, TOC Emails, Social Media and More?"
Platform-Specific Integration Information
Ex Libris Primo / Primo VE
Ex Libris Leganto
Ex Libris Summon
Ex Libris 360 E-Journal Portal (Formerly Serials Solutions)
360 E-Journal Portal Overview and Step-by-Step Installation Guide
Implementation Example: Michigan State University
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)
OCLC WorldCat Discovery and A-Z
TDNet Discovery and OVID Discovery
Trip Medical Database
Pico Portal
eReserve Plus
Explorit Everywhere! from Deep Web Technologies
VuFind 4.1+