WAYFless DOI/PMID Lookup

WAYFless DOI/PMID Lookup


LibKey.io remembers a user’s last organizational affiliation making it easy for users to visit the site directly at anytime when they need to quickly access a paper by DOI or PMID. However, you may also link to this facility directly from your library home page or within subject-specific pages adding new and powerful functionality to your own web pages.

The best way to do this is to use a WAYFless linking strategy so that users are automatically affiliated with your organization and do not have to pick their organization in the event that this is the first time they have used LibKey.io.


The syntax needed to affiliate immediately to LibKey.io and perform a lookup is simply:

https://libkey.io/libraries/[LibraryID]/[DOI or PMID]

The Library ID is the same one you would be issued for BrowZine or for when using the LibKey Discovery API. If you are unsure of your ID, contact support@thirdiron.com for assistance.

These links above can be constructed manually or programatically.

Sites hosted on Wordpress.com are not compatible with this lookup widget due to Wordpress-imposed security restrictions.



Do you use LibGuides? You might find it useful to see our LibGuides page about LibKey.io which is available here: LibKey.io LibGuide.

Custom Search Form

If you are using your own search form on your own site however you can use our sample code as well to construct the appropriate form. For example, you might have a multi-tab layout where you want to insert LibKey.io’s lookup function like this:

Here’s how to do it!

1. Find your library ID

You will need your numerical Third Iron library ID. You can find your Third Iron library ID by going to browzine.com or libkey.io, logging in to your library (if you are not already directed there automatically) and looking at the browser address bar after logging into your library. Your library URL will contain your numerical library ID.

  • Via BrowZine: Your Third Iron ID is the number in your library's BrowZine URL: 

  • Via LibKey.io: Your Third Iron ID is the number in your library's LibKey URL: 

If you need further assistance in locating your Third Iron library ID, please email support@thirdiron.com.

2. Configure your lookup form

OpenAthens users: There are detailed instructions for adding an OpenAthens BrowZine-enabled search panel here: Adding a BrowZine Search Box to OpenAthens

To customize the form HTML for your library, simply replace the ### values in the code below with your numerical library ID.

Sample form HTML

If you do not have an existing e-journal lookup form, you may copy and paste the below code onto your web page. This code contains the basic HTML required for the search to function (meets WCAG 2.0 guidelines). You will need to make sure to replace “####” with your library ID that you found in step 1.

The below code will look like this when rendered:

<img alt="" loading="lazy" src="//assets.thirdiron.com/images/logos/libkey-io_flame-icon.png" style="width: 20px; height: 30px; float: left;margin-right:10px;" /> <form action="https://libkey.io/libraries/###/lookup" method="GET"> <fieldset> <h4>Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID</h4> <label for="item">DOI/PMID Lookup </label> <input id="item" name="item" required="" type="text" /> <input type="submit" value="Find Article" /></fieldset> </form>
<img alt="" loading="lazy" src="//assets.thirdiron.com/images/logos/libkey-io_flame-icon.png" style="width: 20px; height: 30px; float: left;margin-right:10px;" /> <form action="https://libkey.io/libraries/###/lookup" method="GET"> <fieldset> <h4>Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID</h4> <label for="item">DOI/PMID Lookup </label> <input id="item" name="item" required="" type="text" /> <input type="submit" value="Find Article" /></fieldset> </form>


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