Article DOI/PMID Lookup Endpoint (LibKey)
The LibKey Article DOI or PMID Lookup Endpoint allows your application to determine whether an article is available at, and information about the article to produce a LibKey Direct PDF Link as well as produce a link to the article within the context of the issue in BrowZine at your library.
Contact Third Iron Support to Request your API Key
Email us at to request your API Key.
There are two types of API Keys available:
Individual Library - A key to be used (and only authorized) for a subscribing institution to the LibKey Service.
Integration Partner - This “Universal” key can be used to access any subscribing Library ID with a single API Key and pairs nicely with the Library List Endpoint. This is useful for building applications that serve a large number of different users with different institutional affiliations. Issuance of this type of key requires a license from Third Iron but carries no fee. Please contact for more details!
Submit a GET request against this endpoint with a DOI and your application will get a response indicating if that article can be found in the designated library within BrowZine/LibKey. If the DOI or PMID matches an article in the Third Iron system, the response will contain an "Article Result" JSON object with metadata about the article reference by the specified DOI or PMID.
Third Iron Journal Availability Request:
Supported Methods | GET |
Endpoint Location | /public/v1/libraries/:library_id/articles/doi/:article_doi?access_token=ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff -or- /public/v1/libraries/:library_id/articles/pmid/:article_pmid?access_token=ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff |
Endpoint Parameters |
:library_id | Replace the :library_id portion of the endpoint path with the id # of your library |
:article_doi | Replace :article_doi with the DOI of an article. Only one DOI can be supplied. (DOI value does not need to be URI encoded) |
:article_pmid | Replace :article_pmid with the pmid of an article. Only one pmid can be supplied. |
Optional Includes | |
?include=journal | Adding this include to your request will cause the response to include information about the journal that the DOI is located within. This includes the name of the journal, ISSN, SJR Value, Cover Image URL, BrowZine Enabled Status and the Link to the Journal (more details below including example response) |
LibKey Article DOI or PMID Lookup Response:
The LibKey Article DOI Lookup endpoint responds with a JSON object if the article is found in the LibKey system at all. If it is found, this indicates that LibKey recognizes this article DOI or PMID. The accompanying metadata then will indicate if it is "availableThroughBrowZine" for the given library. If it is, additional metadata about the article, including the browzineWebLink is provided. The structure of the response overall is described in the following tables.
Response Object:
Property | Type | Description |
data | Object | An Article Result object is returned if the DOI or PMID is recognized by the Lookup Endpoint |
Article Result:
An article result represents an article that the LibKey system is aware of. Responses from the "DOI/PMID lookup" endpoint then describe articles that have DOI/PMID's that LibKey is aware of but are not in the specified BrowZine Library (:library_id) as well as articles that are within that library. A response indicates whether the article referenced by a DOI/PMID is available at the specified library by setting the article result's "availableThroughBrowZine" property to true when the article is available at the library, and false when it is not.
The full list of properties that may appear on an article result are described in detail in the table below:
Property | Type | Description | Optional |
id | number | The article's unique id in the Third Iron system | No |
type | string | has the value "articles" | No |
title | string | The article's title | Yes |
date | string | The date of the article | No |
authors | string | The authors of the article | Yes |
inPress | boolean | True when the article is not yet assigned to a regularly published issue and is considered an "Article in Press". False when it is in a regularly published issue | No |
doi | string | The DOI of the given record | No |
linkResolverOpenUrl | URL | For libraries who have configured a link resolver or ILL system, this property will be available and could be used to provide a path for fulfillment should no fullTextFile or contentLocation URLs be available. Optionally a library who does not have a link resolver or ILL system for LibKey to build a link for may request LibKey instead construct a "mailto" which includes all the metadata for an article pointed at a specific email address(es) to help the user request assistance in retrieving the articles from the library. That information is held in this field as well, even though it is not a URL but a "mailto". | Yes |
pmid | string | For articles that have a PMID value it will be provided here | Yes |
openAccess | boolean | True if the article is open access via the publisher and False if it is not. links corresponding to this article which have an openAccess value of "True" will not include any institutional authentication. | No |
unpaywallUsable | boolean | True indicates that if the V1 API is used in conjunction with the Third Iron produced “Discovery Adapters”, those adapters have a feature whereby a live unpaywall service call can optionally be done to pick up accepted manuscripts. However, since this call is live, Third Iron/LibKey may learn that an article flagged by unpaywall actually should have a paywall. When this happens, this value becomes “false” so that users of the discovery adapter don’t have the unpaywall live call script “override” what Third Iron/LibKey know to be false. Third parties could potentially use this value in the same way if they are using LibKey alongside Unpaywall’s API for more accurate data. | No |
fullTextFile | URL | On articles where LibKey is aware of a path directly to the PDF file, this property will be available | Yes |
contentLocation | URL | On articles where LibKey is aware of a path to the web page where the article is available, this property will be available. This can include non-publisher sources such as aggregators and repositories. | Yes |
availableThroughBrowZine | boolean | True when the article is available within Browzine at the specified library | No |
startPage | string | The page the article starts on | Yes |
endPage | string | The page the article ends on | Yes |
problematicJournalArticleNoticeUrl | URL | For articles that are noted by Cabell’s data as being problematic (And ONLY for subscribers of the Cabells service), this URL will appear. If it does, it is recommended not the integrator signpost the phrase “Problematic Journal” and link to this URL instead of the fullTextFile or contentLocation URL. Those links to content will be available on the resulting LibKey Format Chooser screen. | Yes |
abstract | string | Abstract for the article if available | Yes |
retractionNoticeUrl | URL | Will appear if the article has been retracted with a link to a URL which provides more information about the retraction with data from Retraction Watch. | Yes |
expressionOfConcernNoticeUrl | URL | Will appear if the article has an Expression of Concern associated and will have a link to a URL which provides a link to the original Expression of Concern | Yes |
browzineWebLink | URL | On titles that are BrowZine enabled, this property will be present and will link to the article in the context of its issue (or articles in press list as appropriate) on | No |
If you utilize the optional ?include=journal parameter, you will also receive journal information. The list of properties appearing when this is done is included below:
Property | Type | Description | Optional |
id | number | The journals's unique id in the Browzine system | No |
type | string | has the value "journals" | No |
title | string | The journals's title | No |
issn | string | The ISSN value of the journal | No |
sjrValue | number | The SJR (Scimago Journal Rank) value of the journal | No |
coverImageUrl | URL | The link to the cover image | No |
browzineEnabled | boolean | True when the journal is available within Browzine at the specified library | No |
browzineWebLink | URL | On titles that are browzine enabled, this property will be present and will link to the most current issue of the journal available to this library | Yes |