Third Iron API++ Article DOI/PMID Lookup Endpoint Reference

Third Iron API++ Article DOI/PMID Lookup Endpoint Reference

The LibKey Article DOI or PMID Lookup Endpoint allows your application to determine whether an article is available at browzine.com, and information about the article to produce a LibKey Direct PDF Link as well as produce a link to the article within the context of the issue in BrowZine at your library.

Contact Third Iron Support to Request your API Key

Email us at support@thirdiron.com to request your API Key.  Third Iron API++ can only be used by institutions subscribing to the Third Iron API++ service.

The LibKey endpoint is identical to the regular Article DOI/PMID endpoint but includes additional features in its return. The complete documentation is provided below for convenience but we have highlighted in red unique aspects of the Third Iron API++ service.

Submit a GET request against this endpoint with a DOI and your application will get a response indicating if that article can be found in the designated library within BrowZine/LibKey.  If the DOI or PMID matches an article in the Third Iron system, the response will contain an "Article Result" JSON object with metadata about the article reference by the specified DOI or PMID.

Third Iron Journal Availability Request:

Supported Methods


Endpoint Location




Endpoint Parameters



Replace the :library_id portion of the endpoint path with the id # of your library


Replace :article_doi with the DOI of an article. Only one DOI can be supplied. (DOI value does not need to be URI encoded)


Replace :article_pmid with the pmid of an article. Only one pmid can be supplied.

Optional Includes



Adding this include to your request will cause the response to include information about the journal that the DOI is located within.  This includes the name of the journal, ISSN, SJR Value, Cover Image URL, BrowZine Enabled Status and the Link to the Journal (more details below including example response)

LibKey Article DOI or PMID Lookup Response:

The LibKey Article DOI Lookup endpoint responds with a JSON object if the article is found in the LibKey system at all.  If it is found, this indicates that LibKey recognizes this article DOI or PMID.  The accompanying metadata then will indicate if it is "availableThroughBrowZine" for the given library.  If it is, additional metadata about the article, including the browzineWebLink is provided.   The structure of the response overall is described in the following tables.

Response Object:




