Search Endpoint

Search Endpoint

The BrowZine Search Endpoint allows your application to integrate with the search functionality that powers the search on browzine.com.  

Contact BrowZine Support to Request your API Key

Email us at support@thirdiron.com to request your API Key.  The BrowZine API can only be used by institutions subscribing to the BrowZine Service.

Submit a GET request against this endpoint with a search query and your application will get a response representing the results that would be presented to a user if they were to perform that same search query within the journal/subject search of browzine.com.  Responses contain an array of result objects of two types: journal results and subject area results.  The array returned in the response is ordered according to relevance to the submitted search query using the same rules as the browzine.com search.

BrowZine Search Request:

Supported Methods
Endpoint Location

Endpoint Parameters

:library_idReplace the :library_id portion of the endpoint path with the id # of your library

Supply a querystring parameter of ?query=[searchQuery] where [searchQuery] is

a urlencoded representation of the search you wish to perform against your library's

journals and subject areas

BrowZine Search Response:

The browzine search endpoint responds with a JSON object holding an array of result objects.  This array is ordered by relevance to the search query.  Like the search in browzine.com, there are two kinds of search results: journal results and subject results.  Each journal result represents a publication that the library has some entitlement to, and each subject area result represents a taxonomic category in the browzine system that your library's collection has content within.   The structure of the response overall and individual journal and subject results are described in the following tables and an example of search for "Bio" may also be found below.

Response Object:
dataArray of Object

An Array of Journal Result objects and Subject Result objects, sorted by relevance to the query,

may hold up to 250 results

Journal Result:

Each journal result represents a journal that the queried library's collection has access to in some form that is revelent to the searched for query.  Results include both titles that are BrowZine enabled and thus enjoy full TOC browsing support, the ability to add these titles to My Bookshelf and so on as well as Externally Linked titles that Browzine does not natively support, but that are found within the library's collection.  Whether a title is supported by the browzine.com application is captured by the browzineEnabled property of the result object.  Results for journals that are browzineEnabled at the queried library will have a browzineWebLink that links to the journal within browzine.com, and results for journals that are not browzineEnabled will have an externalLink property that links to the journal in the queried library's A-Z system if the queried library has been configured to integrate with the library's A-Z system.  Each browzineEnabled journal result also provides a coverImageUrl that can be used to visually depict the journal within your application.  

The full list of properties that may appear on a journal result are described in detail in the table below:


The journal's unique id in the Browzine system

typestringFor a journal result, the type will have value "journals"No
titlestringThe journal's titleNo
issnstringAn issn for the journal (formatted with no hyphen)No
browzineEnabledbooleanTrue when the title is available within Browzine at the specified libraryNo
coverImageUrlstringA url to a small image that can be used to visually depict the journalNo
sjrValuenumberThe Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) - see all their ranking at their website


browzineWebLinkstringOn titles that are browzine enabled, this property will be present and will link to the journal within browzine.comYes
externalLinkstringOn titles that are not browzine enabled, this property may be present and when it is will link to the journal within the library's A-Z systemYes

Subject Result:

Each subject result represents a taxonomic category that the queried library's collection contains some publication within the category and whose name is relevant to the searched for query.  Results include the name of the subject area and a link to the subject area in browzine.com.

idnumberThe subject's unique id in the Browzine systemNo
typestringFor a subject result, the type will have value "subjects"No
namestringThe name of the subject areaNo
browzineWebLinkstringA link to the subject area within Browzine WebNo

Example Request:
GET /public/v1/libraries/:library_id/search?query=Bio

Example Response:
  "data": [
      "id": 2911,
      "type": "journals",
      "title": "Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology",
      "issn": "18788181",
      "browzineEnabled": true,
      "coverImageUrl": "https://assets.thirdiron.com/images/covers/1878-8181.png",
      "sjrValue": 0
      "id": 771,
      "type": "subjects",
      "name": "Biochemical and Biomolecular Engineering",
      "browzineWebLink": "https://browzine.com/libraries/13/subjects/75/bookcases/146"
      "id": 5006,
      "type": "journals",
      "title": "Biochemical Pharmacology",
      "issn": "00062952",
      "browzineEnabled": true,
      "coverImageUrl": "https://assets.thirdiron.com/images/covers/0006-2952.png",
      "sjrValue": 0
      "id": 5016,
      "type": "journals",
      "title": "Biochemical Systematics and Ecology",
      "issn": "03051978",
      "browzineEnabled": true,
      "coverImageUrl": "https://assets.thirdiron.com/images/covers/0305-1978.png",
      "sjrValue": 0

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