Journal New Content Lookup

Journal New Content Lookup

The “Journal New Content Lookup” endpoint allows a client to retrieve journals in the Third Iron metadata database which have newly-added content within a specified date range.  The endpoint accepts a start date and an end date as query parameters, and returns an array of journal resource objects which represent the journals within the Third Iron metadata database which have articles first recognized by Third Iron between those dates.  

Contact Third Iron Support to Request your API Key

Email us at support@thirdiron.com to request your API Key.  The Data Service API can only be used by institutions subscribing to the Third Iron Data Service.

How to use

Submit a GET request against this endpoint, filling in the appropriate path segments with the id number of your library and adding to the query string a start date and an end date specified in ISO date format (YYYY-MM-DD).  Your application will receive a response representing the journals in the database which have new content published between those dates.  Responses contain:

  • some metadata for each journal, such as a display name and the journal's ISSN

  • links to API endpoints through which metadata resources related to each journal, such as a list of its issues, may be retrieved

Journal New Content Lookup Request

Supported Methods


Endpoint Location


Endpoint Parameters


Replace the :library_id portion of the endpoint path with the id # of your library. (Mandatory)


Required query string parameter. Add a query string parameter named start_date to specify the beginning of the date range the endpoint should check for issues.  The value should be expressed in YYYY-MM-DD format.

This value must be earlier or equal to end_date.

For accurate results, this date should be no earlier than August 5, 2022.


Required query string parameter. Add a query string parameter named end_date to specify the end of the date range the endpoint should check for issues.  The value should be expressed in YYYY-MM-DD format

This value must be later or equal to start_date.

Journal New Content Lookup Response

The Journal New Content Lookup endpoint responds with a blob of JSON data that contains an array of journal resource objects that represent the journals in the Third Iron metadata database which have issues published within the specified date range.

Response Object








Array of Object

An array of journal resource objects is returned here which represents the journals in the Third Iron metadata database which have issues published within the specified date range.

Issue Resource

A journal resource object represents a journal in the Third Iron metadata database.

The full list of properties that may appear on a journal resource object are described in detail in the table below:











The journal's unique id in the Browzine system




has the value "journals"




The journal's title




The ISSN for the journal that matches the ISSN passed in on the endpoint

(formatted with no hyphen)

The ISSN for print is used preferentially here unless the journal has only an E-ISSN in which case that is the value returned.




True when the title is visible within Browzine at the specified library




A url to a small image that can be used to visually depict the journal




The Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) - see all their ranking at their website




On titles that are browzine enabled, this property will be present and will link to the journal's current issue within browzine.com




On titles that are not browzine enabled, this property may be present. When it is, it is a link to the journal within the library's A-Z system




There are two different values:

  • traditional - the journal typically publishes a new issue and its articles within a few days of each other

  • continuous - this means the journal has new articles continuously added to issues over time. The articles and their issue do not typically all come out close together in time, but the date the issue is first announced by the publisher, and when the articles inside that issue are first announced, may be first shown to the world weeks apart, or even months

Note that publishingType is unrelated to the concept of pre-print, Articles-in-Press articles.



Example Request, retrieving journals with issues published between 10/25/19 & 11/1/19

GET https://public-api.thirdiron.com/public/v1/libraries/222/journals/new-content?start_date=2022-08-28&end_date=2022-08-29&access_token=abc123-abc123

Example Response

{ "data": [ { "id": 6, "type": "journals", "title": "BMC Ophthalmology", "issn": "14712415", "sjrValue": 0.877, "coverImageUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/thirdiron-assets/images/covers/1471-2415.png", "browzineEnabled": true, "browzineWebLink": "https://browzine.com/libraries/222/journals/6?utm_source=api_123", "publishingType": "continuous", "relationships": { "issues": { "links": { "related": "/public/v1/libraries/222/journals/6/issues" } }, "current-issue": { "links": { "related": "/public/v1/libraries/222/journals/6/issues/current" } } } }, { "id": 307, "type": "journals", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", "issn": "00189383", "sjrValue": 0.828, "coverImageUrl": "https://assets.thirdiron.com/images/covers/0018-9383.png", "browzineEnabled": true, "browzineWebLink": "https://browzine.com/libraries/222/journals/307?utm_source=api_123", "publishingType": "traditional", "relationships": { "issues": { "links": { "related": "/public/v1/libraries/222/journals/307/issues" } }, "current-issue": { "links": { "related": "/public/v1/libraries/222/journals/307/issues/current" } } } } ] }

About Dates

Dates determine if a journal will appear from this endpoint’s response. The following table describes under what circumstances different types of journals may appear in the endpoint response.

Journal Type

Article Type

The date used to determine if it is included in the endpoint response


Journal Type

Article Type

The date used to determine if it is included in the endpoint response


A journal classified by Third Iron as a “traditional” publication style

An article that is considered “in press”, aka “pre-print” or “Publish Ahead of Print”


“In press” articles are not included in this endpoint response.

Let’s say we have a journal named “Journal of Weather, Trees, and Earth.”

The existence of the article as a “Publish Ahead of Print” article belonging to the journal “Journal of Weather, Trees, and Earth” was first communicated to Third Iron on November 19, 2022. No issue was specified.

This article will not cause the journal “Journal of Weather, Trees, and Earth” to appear in the Journal New Content Lookup response, because it is an “in press” article.

A journal classified by Third Iron as a “traditional” publication style

An article that is part of a formal “issue”, such as Volume 124, Issue 3

The date the publisher informed Third Iron that the article is part of Volume 124, Issue 3.

The publisher may have informed Third Iron about the existence of an article as an “in press”,

Let’s say we have a journal named “Journal of Weather, Trees, and Earth.”

The existence of Volume 72, Issue 4, of the journal “Journal of Weather, Trees, and Earth,” was first communicated to Third Iron by the publisher on December 13, 2022. 

On December 14, 2022, the publisher tells Third Iron that the article the publisher originally told Third Iron about on November 19, 2022, as a “Publish Ahead of Print” article, now belongs to Volume 72, Issue 4.

“Journal of Weather, Trees, and Earth” will appear in the Journal New Content Lookup response when the supplied date range includes December 14, 2022.

A journal classified by Third Iron as a “continuous” publication style

An article that is considered “in press”, aka pre-print or Publish Ahead of Print


Publish Ahead of Print articles are not included in this endpoint response.

Also, Publish Ahead of Print articles are typically not at journals that have a “continuous” publication style.

This should not happen.

If it does, likely due to an error in the publisher’s metadata, the article will not cause its journal to appear in the Journal New Content Lookup response, because it is an “in press” article.

A journal classified by Third Iron as a “continuous” publication style

An article that is part of a formal “issue”, such as Volume 124, Issue 3

The date the publisher informed Third Iron that the article is part of Volume 124, Issue 3.


Let’s say we have a journal named “Journal of Grilling.”

The existence of Volume 124, Issue 3, of “Journal of Grilling” was first communicated to Third Iron by the publisher on March 5, 2022.

Many articles are added to this issue over the months of March, April, June, and September.

The existence of an article belonging to Volume 124, Issue 3, was first communicated to Third Iron on September 5, 2022.

“Journal of Grilling” will appear in the Journal New Content Lookup response when the supplied date range includes September 5, 2022.

Additional Notes

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